aMAZE Journey Award Patches
Interact Award: Reach Out a Little [You + Who? = Improving the World, One Relationship at a Time]
Interact Challenges are small actions you can do in your daily life to improve relationships – yours and those around you. This Journey offers nine challenges to “interact.” Do three of them to earn the Interact Award. Check out the full list of Interact Challenges on page 12 of your book and chart your progress as you go.
This Award will be earned during the workshops.
Peacemaker Award: Commit to Keep It Going [You + How Many Others = World Peace?]
As you travel through aMAZE, you’ll gain valuable relationship skills and strategies. Choose those most important to you for your Peacemaker Kit. You’ll find “Peacemaker Kit” sections throughout this book. Fill them in. Earn the Peacemaker Award by committing to use these skills to create peace in the world around you – even if just in your school hallways. Go ahead, let peace begin with you!
This Award will be earned during the workshops.
Diplomat Award: Use Your Relationship Savvy to Improve Your World
[You + Who + Who + Who Else = Improving the World Many Relationships at a Time]
To earn the Diplomat Award, create and do a Take Action Project aimed at building more positive and peaceful relationships in the world around you. Maybe your project can have some lasting power in your community – or get passed forward by others. All the tips and tools you’ll need start on page 112 of your book.
During the workshops, the girls will create a written plan for the Diplomat Award (which is the Take Action Project of the Journey). The final steps involving reaching out to the community will be completed after the workshop under troop or parent supervision.
Interact Challenges are small actions you can do in your daily life to improve relationships – yours and those around you. This Journey offers nine challenges to “interact.” Do three of them to earn the Interact Award. Check out the full list of Interact Challenges on page 12 of your book and chart your progress as you go.
This Award will be earned during the workshops.
Peacemaker Award: Commit to Keep It Going [You + How Many Others = World Peace?]
As you travel through aMAZE, you’ll gain valuable relationship skills and strategies. Choose those most important to you for your Peacemaker Kit. You’ll find “Peacemaker Kit” sections throughout this book. Fill them in. Earn the Peacemaker Award by committing to use these skills to create peace in the world around you – even if just in your school hallways. Go ahead, let peace begin with you!
This Award will be earned during the workshops.
Diplomat Award: Use Your Relationship Savvy to Improve Your World
[You + Who + Who + Who Else = Improving the World Many Relationships at a Time]
To earn the Diplomat Award, create and do a Take Action Project aimed at building more positive and peaceful relationships in the world around you. Maybe your project can have some lasting power in your community – or get passed forward by others. All the tips and tools you’ll need start on page 112 of your book.
During the workshops, the girls will create a written plan for the Diplomat Award (which is the Take Action Project of the Journey). The final steps involving reaching out to the community will be completed after the workshop under troop or parent supervision.