aMAZE Journey Take Action Project Planning Worksheet
In the girl's aMAZE book, you will find overview of the journey Take Action Project Pages 114 - 130
We create a user friendly Take Action project planning sheet. Here is an example of a project plan created by Cadettes in our virtual aMAZE session.
aMAZE Journey Take Action Project Planning sheet
Our issue is Friendship Issues
Why did you choose this Issue? Why do you think it is important?
We chose this issue because we are going into middle school this year and we thought we would research how we can resolve any issues with new or old friends. It is important because someone could learn from this and we could help a friendship that is hurting.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY: What kind of project are you going to do?
Creating a website or blog and an online event.
TARGET AUDIENCE We are planning to educate or involve the specific groups of people.
KIDS ◻ other scout troops. What levels ? Juniors ◻ How many troops? troops 1 or 2 and 1 sports team
RESEARCH We will become experts on our issue.
Before we start , we need to learn: Where or how we could learn this.
1. How to make a Website We could learn on YouTube.
2. What we need to put on our website Other online websites.
3. How to end arguments or conflicts Our parents or other people who have gone through things with friends
We will be surveying our target audience and asking them this: What problems with friends they have encountered .
PLAN IT OUT – What steps will your project include?
❏ We will contact people by flyers and email
◻ Create a website or blog. The topics we will highlight are friendships and how to handle them when you are in a fight or a conflict.
Write emails to the following people: To inform people about the websites The purpose of our emails is to get people to look on our websites.
Who are the people you need to reach out to?
parents kids about to go to middle school
◻ Create a video or PowerPoint on the topic of Friendship Issues.
◻ Show our video in person to the following groups: Girl scout troops and people around our neighborhood.
PROMOTION How will we get people to our event or tell people what we are doing?
Telling, in person, the following groups of people :neighbors
The estimated number of people we would like to impact is: 40
We would like our audience to learn: how to navigate friendships, including obstacles that may affect their friendship later on, using our website, so that they know how to repair the friendship.
Some ways our project could change people’s habits or lives are: We could teach people how to deal with hard friendships and how to maintain a healthy friendship.
We will measure our success in the following ways:
◻ Pre and post project surveys
◻ Online surveys or comments
The part of the project that will be the most fun is: Making a website for the first time, making flyers, and affecting young people (or parents to help their kids)so they can have better friendships.
Our issue is Friendship Issues
Why did you choose this Issue? Why do you think it is important?
We chose this issue because we are going into middle school this year and we thought we would research how we can resolve any issues with new or old friends. It is important because someone could learn from this and we could help a friendship that is hurting.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SUMMARY: What kind of project are you going to do?
Creating a website or blog and an online event.
TARGET AUDIENCE We are planning to educate or involve the specific groups of people.
KIDS ◻ other scout troops. What levels ? Juniors ◻ How many troops? troops 1 or 2 and 1 sports team
RESEARCH We will become experts on our issue.
Before we start , we need to learn: Where or how we could learn this.
1. How to make a Website We could learn on YouTube.
2. What we need to put on our website Other online websites.
3. How to end arguments or conflicts Our parents or other people who have gone through things with friends
We will be surveying our target audience and asking them this: What problems with friends they have encountered .
PLAN IT OUT – What steps will your project include?
❏ We will contact people by flyers and email
◻ Create a website or blog. The topics we will highlight are friendships and how to handle them when you are in a fight or a conflict.
Write emails to the following people: To inform people about the websites The purpose of our emails is to get people to look on our websites.
Who are the people you need to reach out to?
parents kids about to go to middle school
◻ Create a video or PowerPoint on the topic of Friendship Issues.
◻ Show our video in person to the following groups: Girl scout troops and people around our neighborhood.
PROMOTION How will we get people to our event or tell people what we are doing?
Telling, in person, the following groups of people :neighbors
- Using social media including: Instagram and Facebook to contact scout leaders
The estimated number of people we would like to impact is: 40
We would like our audience to learn: how to navigate friendships, including obstacles that may affect their friendship later on, using our website, so that they know how to repair the friendship.
Some ways our project could change people’s habits or lives are: We could teach people how to deal with hard friendships and how to maintain a healthy friendship.
We will measure our success in the following ways:
◻ Pre and post project surveys
◻ Online surveys or comments
The part of the project that will be the most fun is: Making a website for the first time, making flyers, and affecting young people (or parents to help their kids)so they can have better friendships.