Girltopia Visionary Award Patch
AWARD PATCH – Patches purchased will be given to the troop adult who at check in day 1. They are to be awarded when the girls complete the goals they set for their Take Action Project.
Girls intending to use the Girltopia journey as a pre-requisite for the Gold Award must complete all steps to earn the Visionary award.
By the end of our four sessions the girls will have achieved the following:
1) Create it art project— complete an artistic representation of an ideal world to share with others. We have an art show for parents day 4.
2) Guide It activity – lead a discussion or group activity that engages other girls in thinking about visionary leadership. This will be completed in our sessions and by creating a post for the workshops4girls Pinterest page.
3) Change it – Take Action final project — complete a Take Action Project that moves the world (or a community) one step closer to ideal.
During the workshops, the girls will choose their issue, form teams to and make a detailed Take Action Project plan. The project will be completed after the sessions with troop leader/parent guidance. Info about this covered in last half hour of sessions.
- Girls that take an active role in creating a website as part of their project can earn the Senior Website Designer Award Patch. It is one of the Skill Building badges from the Girltopia journey. It is available at the council shop.