Leadership Awards
- Monitor Award - Cadettes have taken stock of media in their world and the influence it has
- Influence Award - Cadettes understand the importance of having media reflect the realities of their world
- Cultivate Award - Cadettes have made a personal commitment to cultivate a new perspective on media
Journey Take Action Project & Award Patches - Monitor, Influence, Cultivate
The MEdia Journey is complete when they earn their Monitor, Influence and Cultivate awards. Some components of the awards are earned during the sessions, but other steps involve completing a Journey Take Action Project (for this Journey it is named the MEdia Remake Project). A Take Action Project addresses an issue in the community and works towards a solution by addressing the root cause, since this must be done outside of the workshops to reach the community it has to be completed after the sessions.
The patch set will be given to the leader/parent at sign in session # 1. They are to be awarded to the girls when the steps below are complete.
If girls attend all sessions, this is the progress they will have made towards completing the Awards.
Monitor Award – To earn this award, the girls "monitor" media & explore how they use it, as well as how media affects their community. This award will be complete. (Described on page 92 of the girl's MEdia book)
Influence Award – The Influence Award contains most of the steps of the MEdia Remake Project. The girls will identify some form of MEdia that they think needs to change & they remake it. Once they remake it, they advocate for it & share what they learned to educate and inspire their chosen target audience. Example projects can be found in the girls MEdia book on page 74. The Influence award is described on page 94 of the girl's MEdia book.
They will have earned the portions of this award that involve:
The patch set will be given to the leader/parent at sign in session # 1. They are to be awarded to the girls when the steps below are complete.
If girls attend all sessions, this is the progress they will have made towards completing the Awards.
Monitor Award – To earn this award, the girls "monitor" media & explore how they use it, as well as how media affects their community. This award will be complete. (Described on page 92 of the girl's MEdia book)
Influence Award – The Influence Award contains most of the steps of the MEdia Remake Project. The girls will identify some form of MEdia that they think needs to change & they remake it. Once they remake it, they advocate for it & share what they learned to educate and inspire their chosen target audience. Example projects can be found in the girls MEdia book on page 74. The Influence award is described on page 94 of the girl's MEdia book.
They will have earned the portions of this award that involve:
- Identifying their media issue.
- Choosing their MEdia Remake Take Action Project.
- Forming a team or choosing to work alone.
- Identifying what their talents are and how they will contribute to the project.
- Setting their goals for the impact they want their project to make.
- Implement their project.
- Reflect on their projects impact making note of what they may have done to improve it .
When do I hand out the award patches? When is the Journey "done'?
The Journey is complete when they meet the requirements to earn all 3 of the award patches. Most of the patch requirements involve the completion of the Take Action Project. Part of the planning process was setting measurable goals. Their goals were included on their written project plan. The Take Action Project is completed and the patches can be awarded when the girls meet those goals.
What do I do now? Our girls changed their idea! Some of their plans fell through!
When are they "done" with their journey ?
Please refer to this page for detailed information about the MEdia Journey Award Patch requirements. Scroll down, it is included in the information for DAY 1. If the link doesn't work, this is the page - http://www.workshops4girls.com/for-current-media-participants---leadersparents.html
What do I do now ? I still need help ! Our girls changed their project ! Some of their plans fell through !
The girl's MEdia book has helpful tips for guiding the girls' projects. Look at page 74 - 75 for project examples. Page 76 -80 for help in reaching their target audience.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact me by email. I'm here to help. : )
Please refer to this page for detailed information about the MEdia Journey Award Patch requirements. Scroll down, it is included in the information for DAY 1. If the link doesn't work, this is the page - http://www.workshops4girls.com/for-current-media-participants---leadersparents.html
What do I do now ? I still need help ! Our girls changed their project ! Some of their plans fell through !
The girl's MEdia book has helpful tips for guiding the girls' projects. Look at page 74 - 75 for project examples. Page 76 -80 for help in reaching their target audience.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact me by email. I'm here to help. : )