Media Journey Take Action Project - The Screen Time Initiative (6-8th grade)
Lauryn and Kaitlyn know when enough screen time is enough. But other kids their age don't. Learn about the impact of MEdia overuse and try new activities other than unproductive binge-watching and taking selfies to send to an endless amount of friends you barely know.
Explore their website to learn more and discover new activities! |
Cadette Girl Scout Take Action Projects go Virtual !
Help our girls spread their messages!
Media Journey Take Action Project - The Screen Time Inititative (6-8th grade)
Lauryn and Kaitlyn know when enough screen time is enough. But other kids their age don't. Learn about the impact of MEdia overuse and try new activities other than unproductive binge-watching and taking selfies to send to an endless amount of friends you barely know.
CLICK HERE to learn more and discover new activities!
CLICK HERE to learn more and discover new activities!
Media Journey Take Action Project - Internet safety tips
For my Media Journey Take Action Project I wanted to teach kids to think before they post on social media, because if you post without thinking, it may come back to bite you! Social media may say it's private, but as soon as you post it, it is out of your hands. Nothing posted is private. I hope after you view this you will be more careful about posting. Thanks for watching!